Frey Computing Services Center Building Keys

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

Frey Computing Services Center Building: Key Requests

Service Name:

Frey Computing Services Center: Key Requests


Requests for entrance doors, interior doors, and modular furniture keys in Frey Computing Services Center Building.


Building keys: Occupants of the Frey Computing Services Center Building.

Furniture keys: Assigned only to personal office space areas in the Frey Computing Services Center Building.

Ordering and Request Procedures:

Please see:

Brian LeBlanc
Rm. 123 M1A Frey Computing Services Center
Phone: 578-0418

Delivery Timeline or Response Time:

Building keys: These keys are processed through Facility Services. The individual that the key is assigned to will be notified via email when the key is ready and will be responsible for picking it up at Facility Services. Typical process time for these keys is within two weeks.

Furniture keys: Mary Bordelon will process the request and these keys are typically available at time of request.



Policy Statements:

Building Coordinator – PS 49

Need More Help?

Building Coordinator:

Brian LeBlanc
123 M1A Frey Computing Services Center
Phone: 225-578-0418

10/20/2023 1:19:21 PM