Dialing Toll-free, Long Distance, and Directory Assistance Services

Long Distance:

TigerCall is a service provided by the Office of Telecommunications, which allows students to make long distance calls. The costs of this service are determined by the number and length of phone calls; however, there is no initial subscription fee.
In order to sign up, students must complete and return a subscription form to either the Service Desk on the first floor of Fred C. Frey Computing Services Building or a residence hall lobby. The student will be given a seven-digit code. Remember, you must first dial "9" for off-campus access, then "1" for long distance access, the area code and phone number, and the student's assigned TigerCall code.
Students living in residence halls must request an authorization code to enable them to make long distance calls from campus telephones. Students can apply to get (TigerCall) long distance services, by going to their MyLSU account:

  1. Select Student Services.
  2. Click Telecom Service Request.

NOTE: Students must live on campus to receive this benefit. Students are responsible for informing ITS of any room changes. Students are also responsible for disconnecting their services through their MyLSU account when moving off campus. TigerCall is not available in The Nicholson Apartments.

Directory Assistance:

Residents can make directory assistance calls, which are long distance. If a resident needs to make a directory assistance call, they must use a TigerCall code or a carrier-provided toll-free number with "1+" dialing or a credit or calling card with "0+" dialing to obtain directory assistance.

Toll-free Numbers:

Residents can make "1+" calls to toll-free numbers (800, 888, and 877) by dialing "9" for off-campus access followed by "1" for long distance access and the toll-free number. It is important to understand that residents may also use calling cards or credit cards issued by MCI or from other carriers accepted by MCI by using "0+" dialing. This option is more expensive.
However, it is not possible for residents to use codes like 10-10-321, which is dependent upon automatically detecting the phone line from which the call is made; thus, billing the subscriber.

Dialing Instructions:

For residents living on campus who have a campus land line, there are specific dialing instructions to be aware of. To make a call to another campus phone number, only dial the last five digits (8-xxxx or 4-xxxx). On the other hand, residents trying to make a call outside of the campus must dial "9" before dialing the phone number.

9/11/2023 10:40:39 AM