SPSS Amos 23: Reauthorizing the License
Licensing SPSS Amos 23 on a Windows Computer
1. Open the License Authorization Wizard. (It should open after installation if not it will be located in the Windows Start menu program group for IBM SPSS Amos)
2. Click Next to continue.

3. Select License my product now and click Next. ( If you do not have a code you can enable for temporary usage instead)

4. Enter the Authorization Code (20-digit Code give to you by ITS).
( Don't have an Authorization Code? To purchase a code, refer to the Purchasing Instructions section on the SPSS Amos: LSU Overview. )

5. Click Next after entering code.
6. Select Next after Internet Authorization Status.

7. Click Finish.

Referenced from: ibm.com
3/18/2024 1:27:04 PM