LSU Library: Reserves

The Reserve Desk houses material instructors require their students to read during a regular semester. This can include such materials as library books, tapes, and the professor's personal books on Reserve for their students.

To borrow an item on reserve, please come to the Access Services desk with the call number, professor’s name, course name or number, or book title. An LSU ID is required.

Materials may be loaned for 2 hours, 1 day, 3 days or 7 days. A slip will be provided at the time of checkout that will show the exact date and time that the item is due. The loan period is determined by each instructor. 

To Access the LSU Library Resources

1. Visit the LSU Libraries home page. 

2. Select Research > Reserves from the toolbar at the top of the screen. 

Reserves link


3. This will bring you to the Reserves webpage. Here you can Search Reserves, Put an Item on Reserve, or review Reserve Policies.

LSU Libraries Reserves webpage


4. If you select Search Reserves, you will be directed to the Online Catalog. You can search by instructor, course number, or course name.

Search reserves window

5. If you select Put an Item on Reserve, you will be brought to the form. Fill out the information and click Submit.

Put an Item on Reserve form


6. If you select Reserve Polices, you will be directed to policy page.

Reserve Policy window


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10/16/2023 1:12:07 PM