NOTE: Due to resource constraints, ITS is now offering an expanded VPN offering.
If you are using Windows or Mac, please use this link for the new GlobalProtect VPN client: GlobalProtect VPN Installation
Linux and mobile clients, including Chromebooks, will continue to use the Cisco AnyConnect client as detailed in this article.
General Information
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. This is a technology that allows LSU Faculty, Staff, Students, and Sponsored Guests to securely access the LSU Network from anywhere with an Internet connection. This is helpful when you are off-campus and need to access technologies that are only available on-campus.
For Windows and Mac Computers
Download the Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN Client
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must download this client from off-campus.
This link will not work while you are on campus.
1. Open a web browser and go to: https://gp.vpn.lsu.edu
2. Login and select the appropriate client for your computer (Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, or MacOS).
3. For further download instructions, please see GlobalProtect VPN: Overview & How to Download.
Install the GlobalProtect VPN Client
Use the GlobalProtect VPN Client
Once you are Connected to the LSU VPN, you can securely access LSU Resources. (See LSU Resources below.)
GlobalProtect Advanced Feature – Enable Connect Before Logon
This section is intended for System Administrators and advanced users with administrative access to their computers only. Please see Enable Connect Before Logon to learn how to enable.
For Mobile Devices
iOS Devices (iPhone, iPad)
AnyConnect App Installation Instructions
How to Login / Connect from an iOS Device (iPhone, iPad)
Android Device
AnyConnect App Installation Instructions
How to Login / Connect from an Android Device
How to Login / Connect
LSU Resources
1. LSU Mainframe and LSU License Servers.
2. Shared Folders: VPN is required to map network drives or any other campus server when you are off campus. The VPN software does not map drives for you. You need to log into the VPN and then map your drives by hand.
3. Sending Email From Off-Campus: To send email using a client like Outlook or Thunderbird when you're off campus, you must first connect with VPN. This will allow you to use LSU's outgoing mail servers without having to change it manually to your local ISP.
4. LSU Department Specific Resources: You may have access to a service or resource provided by your class or department that requires a VPN connection from off campus. For example, electronic journal access is a typical resource.
Troubleshoot VPN
Make sure your Internet Browser is compatible; view ITS Web Browser Recommendations.
Please note, It may be necessary for you to connect to your office computer to use some of these LSU Resources. (See Installing Windows Remote Desktop for more information.)
If you receive a message about "login denied due to resource constraints", you need to use GlobalProtect VPN instead of AnyConnect. To download and login with the correct VPN, please see the following link: GlobalProtect VPN Installation
If you can't get it to work, Collect the AnyConnect Error Logs and send these Logs to the ITS Service Desk.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why SSL and not IPSEC?
Remote access is becoming critical to LSU as the demand for secure interaction with centralized resources increases. Secure remote access is the key to success. It is not surprising that today's needs demand more secure access to more resources from more remote unmanaged devices and platforms than ever before. Increasingly, LSU is discovering that their IPSec VPN solution is not keeping up with the demands of today's system.
As a result, we have invested in SSL VPN technology (i.e. AnyConnect) - a more flexible solution that features granular clientless access control and greater security for mobile devices. The result? Easy to use and simple to manage remote access that enables better communications.
What is the ITS Preferred method?
For Windows & Mac, Installing the GlobalProtect Client and connecting via https://gp.vpn.lsu.edu. For Mobile & Linux, Installing the AnyConnect Client and connecting via https://client.vpn.lsu.edu. (*This link only works off-campus*)
LSU Support & Policy Statements
Service Desk Contact Information
Policy Statements