EndNote X8: Installation Instructions (Mac)

This article has not been updated recently and may contain dated material.

To Download and Install EndNote X8 on a Mac Operating System:

1. Download EndNote X8 from TigerWare.

2. Open the installer in the Downloads folder.

Endnote installaton file

3. Double-click the Install Endnote X8 gear icon to open the installer.

Endnote x8 installer window

4. Click Open to allow the computer to open a file from the internet.

Download application from the internet warning

5. Select Install to begin the installation.

Begin installation window with install button shown

6. The Welcome screen will appear. Click Next to continue.

Endnote X8 Customizer window

7. Review the ReadMe information, and select Next

Endnote X8 "Read Me" window

8. EndNote should begin installing.

9. A confirmation screen will appear. Click Done to finish. 

Endnote X8 installation complete window


Referenced from: EndNote


9/11/2023 9:09:46 AM