Office 365: Overview

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General Information

LSU provides its faculty, staff, and students with an LSU E-mail account. It is powered by the Microsoft Office 365 cloud service and the web interface has been customized for LSU. Your e-mail address will be: [Your myLSU ID] The e-mail can be accessed using Outlook Web Access (OWA), Outlook desktop application, and other methods. The account also gives access to Office 365 services, such as Office Online, OneDrive, Skype for Business, etc. However, access would be different between faculty/staff and students.


Related Information

E-mail: LSU Overview
Log into LSUMail through Outlook Web Access (OWA)
  • When using, you need to include the at the end of your myLSU account. Ex:
Report Phishing E-mail: Cofense Reporter
  •  The LSU IT Security and Policy (ITSP) Team has deployed Cofense Reporter, an application that provides users the ability to report suspicious e-mails to the ITSP team quickly and efficiently. The application is available for all mailboxes automatically. For more information on how to use this utility, please see the following article: Report Phishing E-mail - Cofense Reporter.

Office365 ProPlus: LSU Overview  - Free Microsoft Office product with your mail account.

Setting Up LSUMail on your Mobile Device


Eligibility and Quotas

Available To: Faculty, Staff, and Students (Baton Rouge Campus ONLY.)

Authentication: A current myLSU account (click for more info) and myLSU password. 

Quota Limits: Each Mailbox allows for 50 GB of E-mail storage. Please visit the links below for other LSUMail limits.

Availability Time - Student: 2 days after the fee bill has been paid and the “Complete Registration” button has been clicked to complete registration.

Availability Time - Faculty/Staff: upon completion of hiring process.


Account Retention and Deletion

LSUMail Accounts are valid for the duration of an individual’s active relationship with LSU. Depending on an individual's status with the university, a myLSU account may become a candidate for deletion. The LSU account has a definitive life-cycle, thus it is recommended that students do not connect any personal services (e.g., Facebook, Spotify, Instagram, etc.) with the LSU account. If you do so, you risk losing access to these services upon separation from the University with no recourse to retain and/or regain access.

  • Students
    • who are inactive(not graduated): You will lose access to OneDrive (please export your files prior to this time) but retain access to LSUMail, if you do not register for one Fall or Spring semester. You will lose access to LSUMail if you do not register for 3 continuous major semesters (Fall or Spring). For more information about this, please see: LSUMail: Retention of Accounts
    • who have graduated: You will lose access to OneDrive immediately, and then lose access to LSUMail 3 major semesters (Fall and Spring) after graduation. Please export your e-mails prior to this time. For more information about this, please see: LSUMail: Retention of Accounts
  • Faculty and Staff
    • You will retain access for 30 days after termination date. Access is disabled after 30 days.


Training and Support

Getting Started with Outlook Web App (OWA)

myLSU Password Change

Setup a Password Reset Question

Junk E-mail Settings


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Access my LSUMail Account?
The easiest way is with a web browser. In the address field, type: 

What is my LSUMail Login ID?
The login ID is also known as the "Microsoft Online Services ID". It is just your LSU e-mail address. Ex:

How do I Recover a Deleted E-mail?
When you delete an e-mail in LSUMail, you have 14 DAYS to recover the e-mail. For more information, see LSUMail: Recover Deleted E-mails.

What Programs and Operating Systems Support LSUMail?
LSUMail supports a wide variety of e-mail programs that run on all types of platforms and operating systems. See the ways to Connect to LSUMail.

11/7/2023 8:13:18 AM